Logical Business

Hello - yes, you have landed on the right page if you were looking for LogicalBusiness.com.  

I have built and supported businesses with CRM systems for 35 years.  And in fact, I still am. But I'm not promoting the fact any more, just working with people I enjoy working with and helping people wherever I can.

If you are looking for help with your CRM system, were just getting started with CRM or need a leg-up in any business way at all, feel free to email me, I would be delighted to help if I can.

Logical Business Ltd is also the business entity that owns Batting the Breeze, so if you have any admin queries, feel free to send to steve@logicalbusiness.com.

In the meantime, if you hit the HOME link at the top of this page, you will see the new world that I am in, check out some of our recent episodes and perhaps contact me to share your own story or experience!

I would love to hear from you.  

Cheers for now.
